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Headteacher's Welcome

I am delighted to have this opportunity to tell you about our school, St. Mary’s Catholic Primary. Tucked away behind the Catholic Church of St. Mary and St. Egwin, on Evesham’s High Street, you will discover one of the hidden gems of our town!

As the only primary school in Evesham, St. Mary’s has many unique qualities. We are a small school, of just six classes. Many of our children stay until the age of eleven to complete their Key Stage Two education in one school, with some choosing to move to the town’s Middle Schools at the end of Year Five.

We pride ourselves on consistently achieving the highest Key Stage Two scores within Evesham schools.

Another distinctive feature of St. Mary’s is, that as the smallest of the schools in the town, it is often described by many, including Ofsted, as having a truly family feel; “This school has a real sense of family. Pupils’ good behaviour and thoughtfulness reflect the school’s values and ethos.” (Ofsted Feb. 2020) Add to this that as Catholic school, in a multi-faith society, we welcome children of all faiths or none. We represent a variety of cultures, modelling, in all we do, the values of kindness, respect and tolerance.

St. Mary’s delivers an exciting curriculum for all. Children enjoy their learning and have many opportunities to learn, both inside and outside the classroom, in the wider locality and beyond. Pupils achieve great results, but they also gain magical memories of their years at St. Mary’s and are well-prepared for the challenges to come. One of the many rewarding aspects of my job as headteacher, is when former pupils – now parents of pupils, share their happy memories of their time here.

Our website offers you a flavour of life at St. Mary’s, but we would be very happy to arrange a visit for you to come along and see our school for yourself. I look forward to welcoming you and your family soon.

Miss J C Smith, Headteacher
Our new school mission statement, plus our child-friendsly version:
